The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
BIOME BADGE GYM CHALLENGE - JUNGLE CONTEST DETAILS Welcome to the Lavaridge Gym! I've been getting a lot of sign-ups for the Biome Badge, so I wanted to open up another way of getting it: a Biome Contest.It's a multi-round competition where the winner is awarded a Biome Badge, along with standard contest rewards. This round, the selected biome is deep in the Jungle, so make sure to dress accordingly and to bring only Pokemon that naturally exist in this biome. ROUNDS There are three rounds: Introduction, Display, and Special Objective. 1. Introduction
Announce your Pokemon and showcase them interacting with the chosen biome. Which Pokemon did you pick? Why are they perfect for this biome? What are their unique skills and traits? All contestants who post will progress to round 2. 2. DisplayProve your biome superiority by using your moves! Compare yourself directly with your competitors and outshine them for bonus points. All contestants who score enough appeal points will progress to round 3. 3. Special Objective
The end is in sight! Head out into the biome and complete a special objective! This challenge varies based on the biome, and could involve finding a treasure in an overgrown jungle, scaling a sheer cliff, navigating a labyrinth of tunnels to reach an exit, or fishing for macroinvertebrates. After this round, the contest winner will be decided by the judges. SCORING Zac will be working alongside two guest judges. Each judge will have their own tastes and preferences, but will also award points based on the primary goal of displaying biome mastery. PRIZE
In addition to the standard contest rewards for victory and participation, the winner of the contest will also be awarded a Biome Badge. Badges may also be awarded to exceptional participants at Zac's discretion. SIGN-UP Please use the template to post below. [blockquote] [b]Name:[/b] @tag
[b]Pokemon:[/b] choose one JUNGLE pokemon
[b]Are you currently challenging Zac's gym?[/b] Yes/No
[/blockquote] The Pokemon used must come from the Jungle Biome.This contest will have a maximum of 8 participants, and preference will be given to trainers not currently undertaking Zac's gym challenge.